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Social Processes: Methodology · Types of test

Emotional intelligence tests are tests designed to quantify emotional intelligence and primarily done on either paper or a computer. A test often gives a result labeled EQ (Emotional quotient); the higher the EQ the more competent the person is with self understanding and general social situations. It is also interesting to notice that real life situations are in some sort a permanent ground for testing EQ, but naturally in ways that are harder to interpret than a normalized multiple-choice questionnaire test made by experts of the field and calibrated on a controlled population.

EQ tests have been published for a relative short period of time in comparison to IQ tests and behind in terms of volume of information and accessibility. Some , because browsing through EQ tests is an agreeable activity for many people, allowing them at the same time to ask themselves some fundamental questions, in that respect a large publication of EQ tests is probably more useful than the actual large publication of IQ test. To encourage people browsing through EQ tests, this page tries to collect a great number of interesting EQ tests as external links and if possible also internally Wikipedia EQ Tests.

Three popular EQ tests are the MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test), the ECI (Emotional Competence Inventory), and the EQ-i (Emotional Quotient Inventory). The authors of the MSCEIT originally developed the the MEIS (Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale). Several other authors developed additional tests, such as the COMET/EQ questionnaire, the EQ-Map, etc.

Where the previous tests focus on EQ competencies, some people will focus on the relation between EQ and personality tests which analyze a person's personality with the a greater scope. For example, the E-PQR (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised) used intro/extroversion, neurotic, psychotic, and truthfulness. These are only a few of the possible scales, but we already notice that intro/extroversion may be correlated with EQ (we could suppose that extroverted people will tend to have a higher EQ than introverted because they are exposed to a greater number of social learning opportunities).

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