Psychology Wiki

Emetophilia is a paraphilia in which an individual is sexually aroused by vomiting or observing others vomit. Also referred to as a vomit fetish. Some emetophiles put emetophilia into pratice by actually vomiting, especially on a partner. This pratice is sometimes called a roman shower, after the commonly-supposed (but mistaken) belief in the frequent induction of vomiting at Roman feasts.

Some metophiles fond the act of vomiting arousing; for them, the sequence of "spasm, ejaculation, relief" in vomiting is erotically charged. Other emetophiles are aroused by seeing, hearing, and/or smelling others vomit. Some desire a partner who will vomit on them, while others wish to induce vomiting in a partner, or even force them to vomit (wanting to be vomited on may be related to a desire to be dominated, while wanting to make someone else vomit mau stem from a desire to dominate the partner - see erotic humiliation). Emetophiles may have any combination of these desires at a time.
