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Developmental Psychology: Cognitive development · Development of the self · Emotional development · Language development · Moral development · Perceptual development · Personality development · Psychosocial development · Social development · Developmental measures

Developmental psychobiology is an interdisciplinary field between developmental psychology and biological psychology, covering the study of all phases of organismic ontogeny, employing and integrating both biological and psychological concepts and methods (cf. Michel & Moore, 1995). Developmental psychobiologists tend to be systems thinkers, avoiding the reification of artificial dichotomies (e.g., "nature" vs. "nurture") and the arguments they engender. Developmental psychobiologists have also been historically highly concerned with the interrelation between ontogeny and phylogeny (or individual development and evolutionary processes; see, e.g., Gottlieb, 1991).


  • Michel, G. F., & Moore, C. L. (1995). Developmental psychobiology: An interdisciplinary science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.[1]
  • Gottlieb, G. (1991). Individual Development and Evolution: The Genesis of Novel Behavior. Oxford University Press.[2]

External links[]

  • The International Society for Developmental Psychobiology[3] meets annually as a forum for the presentation and dissemination of cutting edge research and findings within the domain of developmental psychobiology.
  • For more information, see the journal, Developmental Psychobiology, [4] (Wiley).
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