Psychology Wiki

The Association for the Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children (ATTACh) is an international coalition of professionals and families dedicated to helping those with attachment difficulties by sharing our knowledge, talents and resources.

Our vision is to be an international leader in creating public awareness and education regarding attachment and the critical role it plays in human development. We provide a quarterly newsletter, an annual conference, membership directory, and other benefits to our members and the public. We invite you to join us as we continue our mission to promote healthy attachment and its critical importance to human development.


ATTACh recognizes and promotes healthy attachment and its critical importance to human development.


ATTACh will be the international leader in the education and promotion of attachment theory and services.


ATTACh values an interdisciplinary membership of professionals and families who care about healthy attachment and are dedicated to helping those with attachment difficulties.

ATTACh expects clinical and professional members to operate within their respective code of ethics, and non-clinical members to exercise good judgement based on the best interest of the child and family.

ATTACh promotes a continuum of services to enhance the quality of attachments ranging from primary prevention and education, to specialized treatments.

See also

Attachment theory Bowlby Attachment therapy Reactive attachment disorder


External links

ATTACh respects a diverse spectrum of intervention models designed to build and/or strengthen attachments.

ATTACh believes therapeutic interventions should always be based on sound differential diagnoses.

ATTACh encourages research, education and collaboration to continually increase knowledge of and improvement in attachment theory.
